Postwiesenliftgesellschaft GmbH + Co. KG
Neuastenberger Str. 50
59955 Winterberg-Neuastenberg
Legal domicile: Local court Arnsberg, HRA 3248
Tax number: 309/5733/0205
Name of the person responsible:
Meinolf Pape
Am Gerkenstein 20
59955 Winterberg
Fon: 0 29 81 / 26 36
The Postwiesenliftgesellschaft GmbH + Co. KG reserves all rights including the rights of photomechanical reproduction, the duplication and distribution via special processes (e.g. data processing, data carriers, data networks). Postwiesenliftgesellschaft GmbH + Co. KG accepts no liability for any typesetting errors or for the correctness of the entries.
Trademark law
We expressly point out that the designations, trademarks, logos and brand names mentioned and shown on this website are the property of the corresponding companies and/or persons and are subject to copyright!
Internet Terms and Conditions
The Internet operates as a decentralised network with the intermediate storage and transmission of temporary data. A guarantee for the exclusion of manipulation, of accidental falsification and a guarantee for the use of only current data (e.g. old version still in the cache) on the connection path from provider to user cannot therefore be given at present. We therefore draw your attention to this system-related limitation as follows: You receive this data under the conditions of the Internet. Therefore, no guarantee can be given for the correctness of the data and the correspondence with the original data.
In its judgement of 12 May 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that the inclusion of links also leads to co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. According to the court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from these contents. We have placed links to other pages on the Internet. The following applies to all these links: We would like to emphasise that we have no influence whatsoever on the content or design of the linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content of all pages linked to our pages. We do not adopt the contents of these pages as our own. This declaration applies to all links on our pages and to the contents of all pages to which the links lead.